Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Lesson Learned

I almost cried when I read the bail notice for my traffic violation last night. It's a whopping $378.50 plus $32 "administration" fee to attend traffic school.

There's no way I can win in court if I contest, I saw the video on-line. It's pretty clear, I broke the law.

How the hell does traffic school work?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Digital Camera

It came in the mail yesterday. My new Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX2. I wanted a compact camera that I can carry around all the time that has full photographic control. So I chose this one, I've read so many good reviews about it. This line offered the world's first 16:9 widescreen photo capability at 10.2 million pixel count, with a sweet Leica 28-112mm 4x wide angle zoom lens with optical stabilization. I like its retro looks.

Also in the mail yesterday, a traffic violation citation. My first ever. "Failure to stop at a red light" is what it says on the notice. Argh. I actually remember the moment it happened. Guilty.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dragon Boat Sprint Race

Last Sunday was the 5th annual California Dragon Boat Association dragon boat sprint race which was held at the Quarry Lakes in Fremont. The event is called a sprint race because this is 250m instead of the normal dragon boat race length of 500m. I participated in two teams, BAD3 which is a mixed team and BAD Mens Foster City. BAD3 finished in 2nd place in division D. The finals race for division D was our best performance, everyone felt good at how we were in sync and efficient in our paddling. It was a very fun experience but very exhausting. Not having enough sleep the night before, eating only snacks the whole time (we were advised not to eat a full meal), and completing 4 sprint races - at the end of the day, I was spent.

Photos to come.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Peruvian Food and Pisco Sour

We are already back from Peru a whole week. It took me some time to scour through thousands of photos and picking the ones that I want to post here. Anyway, here is one last post regarding Peru.

We sampled a lot of local food in Lima. I enjoyed Peruvian ceviche a lot.


[baked scallops]

[H savoring the food]

I also loved Pisco Sour, a cocktail which originated from Peru. The common ingredients used in this cocktail are:
  • 2 fl oz (8 parts) Pisco (a kind of brandy made in Peru and Chile)
  • 1 fl oz (4 parts) lime juice
  • 3/4 fl oz (3 part) syrup
  • 1 egg white
  • a dash of bitters

[at the Gran Hotel Bolivar, Lima, Peru]