Monday, November 24, 2008

Nationwide Prop 8 Protest Rally

On Saturday November 15, 2008 I was in San Jose together with my friend Paul to join in the protest. Quite an impressive turnout, way to go San Jose!

There were a few bigots who dared to stop in front of the crowd. Of course they got booed and were shooed away. One couple riding inside their car, exchanged words with the crowd for a few minutes, that led someone to throw a cup of some kind of beverage at them. They deserved it.

Another guy was holding a puny sign that said something about 1 man, 1 woman crap. And then suddenly I noticed a girl standing beside him holding up a sign that said "bigot" with an arrow pointing to the moron. She followed him where ever he'd walk. Another fellow also started following the same guy with a sign that said "closeted homo". I thought that was funny.

Some of the signs that I liked were:

"Brigham Young had 55 wives, I only want one."

"Our family is not up for vote"

"It's a matter of love"

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